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Tierra Querida Magazine

An Ecuadorian in Love with Colombia

Since childhood, my parents instilled in me a deep love for Colombia—its cultural roots and its delicious cuisine. They always encouraged us to maintain a strong connection with our homeland. At school, we were known as the “Colombo-Ecuadorians,” carrying within us a profound affection for Colombia.

Fate, in its mysterious ways, brought me to work in this wonderful country 15 years ago. I embraced Colombian nationality while proudly holding onto my Ecuadorian-Colombian identity. I am infinitely grateful for the countless opportunities I have had here, and now I have a Colombian son who enjoys his country to the fullest. He is a passionate Millonarios fan, and together we travel to Quito and Guayaquil during our vacations.

Colombia has always been close to my heart, and I have always felt it as my home. For me, it is also about being a citizen of the world—loving the many countries that have welcomed us with open arms, embraced us with warmth, and allowed us to grow in different areas.

I recognize Colombia as a Beloved Land for its breathtaking landscapes, its regional significance, and its privileged location on the continent. The resilience of its people and their hospitality towards those of us who come from elsewhere have made us feel like part of this land, regardless of our origins.

Andrea Bernal, News Anchor at RCN Noticias – Director of “Desde Adentro” on NTN24

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